It is the Energy thread of Excitement to follow, not its form.
影片摘自:2017-Dare to Dream

There is always some action you can take, in some way shape or form, if you will open your imagination wide enough.
It may not necessarily be, the kind of action you may take should certain opportunity appear in your life.
But it still needs to be activated by you, “The Formula” needs to be activated, you need to throw the switch.
So even if, there is not an action you can see that you could take that is the kind of action you think would be representative of the things you say excite you,
You need to use your imagination to figure out and create what kind of an action would at least be symbolically representative that will start the ball rolling that will be enough to complete the circuit
And allow the energy to begin to flow. And once the energy is flowing then it will begin to accelerate things, and allow synchronicity to function as the organizing principle, bringing you the next thing you need, and the next thing you need, and the next thing you need…
這樣會讓能量開始湧現流動。而一旦能量開始流動,它會開始加速事情的發展,並讓「同步性」帶給你「如何安排生活作息的指引原則(organizing principle)」的功能,帶領你到下一件「你需要經歷的事情」,然後再帶你到下一件你需要去體驗的、又再下一件…
Each of which will appear in your life, by containing a little bit more excitement than any other option.
And they don’t have to come in a form that looks like it has anything at all to do with what you imagine to be representative of your passion.
All you need to do is pay attention to whether or not the passion and excitement is there, in that thing that has arrived in front of your face.
It’s the thread of excitement and passion to follow, not the form in which it comes. Because you never know exactly why it needed to come in the form that it has.
Sometimes, because of the definitions and reasons and conditions that you may have placed upon your dreams in the way that you may have chosen to limit yourselves, consciously or unconsciously.
Sometimes your excitement has to be delivered in a way that may look as it has nothing at all to do with the dream, but the excitement knows it is the thing that will allow you to move.
It is the thing that will inspire you to take some action, so that you will then wind up in the place you need to be, to actually receive what you need to receive that then may truly be connected to your dream.
So, that’s why you have to have absolutely no insistence or assumption about acting on your passion.
Because sometimes the form in which it comes, may not necessarily need to come to fruition. It may just be the thing that gets you to move.
So you’ll wind up in the place where you need to receive the things you really need to receive.
Now, the idea of action, again, as we have discussed from time to time, can even be symbolic.
Because when you infuse an action with the same level of excitement and passion energy that would be present were you acting on the thing itself that you may have visualized that is your ideal scenario.
The energy of that excitement itself is what will allow your body to read the thing you’re doing, the action you’re taking as real.
It’s the excitement energy level that your body reads, not really the form in which the excitement comes.
We know that sometimes you can attach all sorts of expectations to the form, but the body consciousness itself will respond to the energy before respond to the form. That’s the first wave that you will receive.
The first wave that will come to you will be the energy wave itself, from your higher mind, through your heart, then to your mind, then to your eyes.
So the idea is to allow yourself, to go with the flow of the feeling, to go as you say with your gut, and allow yourself to generate the vibratory energy that your body will respond to, as if the scenario you are creating is as real as anything in your physical reality.
And once you allow your body to practice getting trained to respond to that vibration, it will be much easier for your vibration to drop all the things that are impediments in the way, and attract, and let through to you the idea that is physically representative of that frequency.
Again, it may not look like you think, but it will be exactly what you need.
So, by way of example, by way of “permission slip”, we have a suggestion that can help train you into really paying attention to how to feel your way through this:
因此,藉由舉例說明的方式,藉由運用「讓自己進入更高意識(更接近本我)的自我許可(permission slip)」為工具,我們有一個能幫助你們訓練自己專心關注「如何透過自己感受的方式到達那振頻能量」的建議:
By taking an action that will generate the proper state of being that will get your body to be the most receptive antenna it can be, and the most powerful transmitter it can be, for the specific vibrational energy of what it is you need in your life that is representative of your ability and your path to live your dreams.
So, you have to be willing to dare to take that action. It may sometimes seem very silly on the surface. It may seem they have nothing at all to do with what you say you’re passionate about.
But as long as it is at least to some degree in your imagination, symbolically representative of it, your body will pay attention to it, as if it was the actual physical thing.
(巴夏在此傳訊影片上隨後舉出一個「讀者可以更具體地操作和感受」上述建議的教導例子,有興趣的朋友可至巴夏官網 http://www.basharstore.com/dare-to-dream/ 購買此傳訊會的完整版。)