
覺知是一種 「你們可以選擇讓自己生活在其中」的 being(存在) 狀態。它意謂著對此刻當下的覺醒。(Awareness is a state of being in which you may choose to live. It means to be awake to the moment.)
它是關於對真相是什麼(what is so)以及為什麼;對正在發生什麼以及為什麼;對如何能使它不發生以及為什麼;對任何選擇或行為的所有可能性和最有可能的後果,以及什麼使它們成為可能,處於敏銳的觀察(being keenly observant)。

它是個靜觀(meditation)。覺知將每件事轉成一 種靜觀。洗碗、做愛、剪草、對別人大聲說出一個字,全都變成了一 種靜觀。

覺知是移向「觀察到那沒有覺察的觀察者」的層次(Awareness is moving to the level of the Unobserved Observer.)。你在觀看(watching)你自己。然後你在觀看「你自己在觀看你自己 」;然後你在觀看「你自己在觀看你自己在觀看你自己」;直到最終,沒有人在觀看你觀看你自己。你變成了那「沒有被觀察的觀察者」。
那即「完全的覺知」。(That is Full Awareness.)
(It is about knowing, and knowing that you know. It is about endind the pretending.)
此時你是真的在照料(tending)你本分的事了。你在照料你自己。過去,你把「照料你自己」擺在你所做的事情後面。你可以稱那為「假裝」(pretending 註:又是一個神在加深大家印象的文字遊戲。 pre- 是之前;tending 是照料; pretending 是假裝。)。

Awareness is a state of being in which you may choose to live. It means to be awake to the moment.
It is about being keenly observant about what is so, and why; about what is occurring, and why; about what can cause it not to occur, and why; about all the possible-and the most probable—outcomes of any choice or action, and what makes them possible and probable.
To live in awareness is to not pretend that you do not know.
Remember, I told you that there appear to be those who know, but who pretend that they do not know. Awareness is about being aware, and being aware that you are aware. It is about being aware that you are aware that you are aware, and about being aware that you are aware that you are aware that you are aware.
Awareness has many levels.
Awareness is about being aware of the level of awareness of which you are aware, and it is about being aware that there is no level of awareness of which you cannot be aware, if you are aware of that.
When you live a life of awareness, you no longer do things unconsciously. You cannot, because you are aware that you are doing something unconsciously, and that, of course, means you are doing it consciously.
It is not difficult living a life of awareness when you are aware that it is not difficult. Awareness feeds on itself.
When you are unaware of awareness, then you cannot know what it is like. You do not even know that you do not know. You have forgotten. You really do know, but you have forgotten that you know, and so you might as well not know at all. That is why remembering is so important.
This is what I am here to do. I am here to help you remember. That is what friends are for.
It is what you are doing, too, in the life of another. In the life of all others. You are here to help others remember. This is something you may have forgotten.
Once you have been made to remember, you are brought back to awareness. Once you come back to awareness, you begin to become aware of your awareness, and you are aware that you are aware.
Awareness is about noticing the moment. It is about stopping, looking, listening, feeling, experiencing fully what is happening. It is a meditation. Awareness turns everything into a meditation. Washing dishes. Making love. Cutting the grass. Saying a word out loud to another. All becomes a meditation.
What am I doing? How am I doing this? Why am I doing this? What am I being while I am doing this? Why am I being this while I am doing this?
What am I experiencing right now? How am I experiencing it? Why am I experiencing it the way I am experiencing it? What am I being while I am experiencing it? Why am I being this while I am experiencing it? What does any of this have to do with what I am experiencing? What does any of this have to do with what other people are experiencing of me?
Awareness is moving to the level of the Unobserved Observer. You are watching yourself. And then you are watching yourself watch yourself. And then you are watching yourself watch yourself watching yourself. Finally, there is no one watching you watch yourself. You have become the Unobserved Observer.
That is Full Awareness.
It is easy. It is not as difficult or as complicated as it sounds. It is about stopping, looking, listening, feeling, it is about knowing, and knowing that you know. It is about ending the pretending.