
瀏覽人數 3120
覺醒不在於改變你自己 ,而是改變你對於自己(是誰、是什麼)的想法」(Awakening is not about changing yourself, it is about changing your thinking about yourself.)。覺醒是關於──如我之前所說的──認識自己、明白你是健全、完整和完美的,正如你們此刻所是。
「成功」在你們生活中任何一個領域都不是,在你的旅途中發現「產生了你認為必須產生」的東西。成功是在你體驗到愛、快樂、喜悅和真正的自己(True Self)的感覺中,以及其他人因為一路上有你而在他們生活的體驗中發現的。光是發現和體驗到這一點,就足以產生其餘你認為「應該」產生的部分。
這整個對話交談只不過是一個提醒,一個重大的提醒(Big Reminder)
這裡說的一切都是你以前聽說過的、曾經知道的,甚至曾經驗過的。我們所有對話的目的始終是一貫的:將你轉化為一個「明白自己已經知道,只是還沒接受你已知道的」的人(to transform you into a person who knows that you already know – and simply haven’t accepted it.)
不是。不是你說的那種意思。高度演化生命是「表達導向」的(Highly Evolved Beings are “expression oriented”),他們只想表達體驗「他們真正是誰」。而他們的方法之一,就是對所有生靈在他們經歷「跨越自己的進化」過程時,為他們提供給予指導幫助陪伴
摘自《與神對話 4》第33章
Awakening is not about changing yourself, it is about changing your thinking about yourself. It is about knowing that you are – as I said to you here earlier – whole, complete and perfect exactly as you are right now.
Your personal transformation is about adding to what you are now, not about subtracting from what you are now.
Success in any area of your life is not found in producing what you think you must produce on your journey, it's found in the love, the joy, the happiness and the sense of True Self that you experience – and that others experience in their life because of you – along the way.  That alone can produce the rest of what you think you are “supposed to” produce.
Neale: You're saying it's the journey, not the destination. That's an old saw. That's nothing new.
This whole discourse is nothing but a reminder. One Big Reminder.
Everything here you’ve heard before, known before, even experienced before. The purpose of all of our conversations is, and has always been, the same: to transform you into a person who knows that you already know – and simply haven’t accepted it.
That's why everything you’ve heard from me, everything you’ve read in any of the transcripts of any of our conversations, has so often felt to you as something you have already known.
This includes the information here about Highly Evolved Beings from another place. You’ve known and understood that such beings are around since you were a child. None of this is new to you.
Neale: You're right. I’m totally comfortable with this. And I know they’re not here to harm us. If they wanted to harm us, they could have done so in a thousand ways over a thousand years.
That's correct.
Neale: So, you're telling me that they are not goal-oriented. “Success” for them is not about producing a particular outcome.
It is not. Not in the sense that you mean. Highly Evolved Beings are “expression oriented”. They seek only to express and experience Who They Really Are, and one way they do this is by offering and providing love and guidance, help and companionship to all sentient beings as those beings move through their own evolutionary process.
You are doing the same thing on Earth.


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「巴夏+與神對話(B+C)信息 生活運用」公益座談
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