
瀏覽人數 4982
你們一生最快樂的時刻,是它結束的時刻。 (The happiest moment of your life will be the moment it ends.)
因此,首先你們必須了解的是——如我已經向你解釋的——是希特勒並沒有傷害任何人。在某種意義上,他並沒有造成任何痛苦,他結束了痛苦。(In a sense, he didn't inflict suffering, he ended it.)
(就此意義的觀點,)佛陀曾說「生即是苦」("Life is suffering.")。佛陀說得沒錯。
任何人,就他所處之世界的運作模式而言,並沒有做任何「錯的」事。如果你認為希特勒明知自己是瘋狂的,還一直在做瘋狂的事,那麼你對於人類在地球上經驗的複雜性(the complexity of human experience)就一點也不了解。
如果沒有熱,你們無法知道冷;如果沒有下,你們無法知道上;如果沒有右,你們無法知道左。不要詛咒其一而祝福其二。這樣做乃是未能了解(fail to understand 更大的真相 )
幾世紀以來,大家都在詛咒亞當和夏娃。說他們犯下了「原罪」。我告訴你們:那是「原福」(It was the Original Blessing. )。因為,沒有這事件的發生——得知和分享善與惡的知識——則你們甚至連知道有這兩種可能性的存在都沒辦法!事實上,在「亞當墮落」事件之前,這兩種可能性是不存在的。
我告訴你們:神的愛和神的憐憫心,神的智慧和神的寬恕,神的用意和神的目的,都大到足以容納最可憎恨的罪行和滔天至惡的罪犯。(God's love and God's compassion, God's wisdom and God's forgiveness, God's intention and God's purpose, are large enough to include the most heinous crime and the most heinous criminal.)
你們可以不同意這點,但沒有關係。你們才剛從這些事件中,對「你們來到此生所要發覺的」吸取了教訓(You have just learned what you came here to discover.)
摘自《與神對話 II》第4章
Neale: I still don't understand how Hitler could have gone to heaven; how he could have been rewarded for what he did?
First, understand that death is not an end, but a beginning; not a horror, but a joy. It is not a closing down, but an opening up.
The happiest moment of your life will be the moment it ends.
That's because it doesn't end but only goes on in ways so magnificent, so full of peace and wisdom and joy, as to make it difficult to describe and impossible for you to comprehend.
So the first thing you have to understand—as I've already explained to you—is that Hitler didn't hurt anyone. In a sense, he didn't inflict suffering, he ended it.
It was the Buddha who said "Life is suffering." The Buddha was right.
Neale: But even if I accept that—Hitler didn't know he was actually doing good. He thought he was doing bad!
No, he didn't think he was doing something "bad." He actually thought he was helping his people. And that's what you don't understand.
No one does anything that is "wrong," given their model of the world. If you think Hitler acted insanely and all the while knew that he was insane, then you understand nothing of the complexity of human experience.
Hitler thought he was doing good for his people. And his people thought so, too! That was the insanity of it! The largest part of the nation agreed with him!
You have declared that Hitler was "wrong." Good. By this measure you have come to define yourself, know more about yourself. Good. But don't condemn Hitler for showing you that.
Someone had to.
You cannot know cold unless were is hot, up unless there is down, left unless there is right. Do not condemn the one and bless the other. To do so is to fail to understand.
For centuries people have been condemning Adam and Eve. They are said to have committed Original Sin. I tell you this: It was the Original Blessing. For without this event, the partaking of the knowledge of good and evil, you would not even know the two possibilities existed! Indeed, before the so-called Fall of Adam, these two possibilities did not exist.
There was no "evil." Everyone and everything existed in a state of constant perfection. It was, literally, paradise. Yet you didn't know it was paradise—could not experience it as perfection—because you knew nothing else.
Shall you then condemn Adam and Eve, or thank them? And what, say you, shall I do with Hitler?
I tell you this: God's love and God's compassion, God's wisdom and God's forgiveness, God's intention and God's purpose, are large enough to include the most heinous crime and the most heinous criminal.
You may not agree with this, but it does not matter. You have just learned what you came here to discover.


6.「真理、真相 Truth」
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