

現在,我在下面的幾段話要告訴你們的,可能對某些人是非常難了解和接受的。它會違背許多你們目前的思想體系中視為真理的東西。然而,如果要讓這對話(與神對話信息)對你們有益(serve you),我就不能讓你們還是以這些(陳舊的)思維結構繼續下去。
現在我要重複一件我在第一部(《與神對話 I》第2章)中說過的,而我知道對某些人來說,這是非常非常難以了解和領會的:「希特勒也上了天堂」。(Hitler went to heaven.)
這本書的目的,以及我們所創造的這三部曲的每一部的目的,都是為了做好準備——為創造新的範型,新的領會做好準備;為開創更廣闊的視野、更恢宏的觀念做好準備。 (The purpose of this book, and of all the books in the trilogy we are creating, is to create readiness---readiness for a new paradigm, a new understanding; a larger view, a grander idea.)

首先要說的是,他不可能下地獄,因為地獄根本不存在。因此,他唯一能去的只有一個地方。但這不是重點。真正的重點是希特勒的行為是否為「錯」的。然而我已一再地說明,在宇宙中,並沒有「錯」或「錯」這回事。一件事情本質上並沒有對或錯。它只是「一件事情」。 (there is no “ right ” or “ wrong” in the universe. A thing is not intrinsically right or wrong. A thing simply is. 只是「如是」 )

但如果我告訴你,你們所謂的「死亡」,實際上是可發生在任何人身上最棒的事情(the greatest thing that could happen to anyone)——那又怎麼樣呢?
摘自《與神對話 II》第3章

What I'm going to tell you now, and in the passages which follow, may be very difficult for some people to understand and accept. It is going to violate much of what is held as truth in your present thought system. Yet I cannot let you go on living with these constructions if this dialogue is to serve you. So we must, now, in this second book, meet some of these concepts head on. But it's going to be bumpy going here for a while. Are you ready?
I am going to tell you this: there are no "rotten apples." There are only people who disagree with your point of view on things, people who construct a different model of the world. I am going to tell you this: No persons do anything inappropriate, given their model of the world.
You could tell them that people's ideas of "right" and "wrong" change—and have changed—over and over again from culture to culture, time period to time period, religion to religion, place to place… even from family to family and person to person. You could point out to them that what many people considered "right" at one time—burning people at the stake for what was considered witchcraft, as an example—is considered "wrong" today.
You could tell them that a definition of "right" and "wrong" is a definition established not only by time, but also by simple geography. You could allow them to notice that some activities on your planet (prostitution, for instance) are illegal in one place, and, just a few miles down the road, legal in another. And so, whether a person is judged as having done something "wrong" is not a matter of what that person has actually done, but of where he has done it.
Now I am going to repeat something I said in Book 1, and I know that it was very, very difficult for some to grasp, to understand. Hitler went to heaven.
Neale: I'm not sure people are ready for this.
The purpose of this book, and of all the books in the trilogy we are creating, is to create readiness—readiness for a new paradigm, a new understanding; a larger view, a grander idea.
Neale: Well, I’m going to have to ask the questions here that I know so many people are thinking and wanting to ask. How could a man like Hitler have gone to heaven? Every religion in the world… I would think every one, has declared him condemned and sent straight to hell.
First, he could not have gone to hell because hell does not exist. Therefore, there is only one place left to which he could have gone. But that begs the question. The real issue is whether Hitler's actions where "wrong." Yet I have said over and over again that there is no "right" or "wrong" in the universe. A thing is not intrinsically right or wrong. A thing simply is.
Now your thought that Hitler was a monster is based on the fact that he ordered the killing of millions of people, correct?
Neale: Obviously, yes.
Yet what if I told you that what you call "death" is the greatest thing that could happen to anyone—what then?
Neale: I'd find that hard to accept.