
瀏覽人數 463
我要告訴你:在神的眼中,沒有一個人是有罪的,而且每一個人永遠都是無罪的(No one is ever guilty, and everyone is forever innocent, in the eyes of God.)。那是因為我的眼睛看到的比你們多。
Only through feeling the sadness and the destructiveness of judgment yourself could you  truly know that it is not something that love could ever sponsor.
It is when other people judge you that you know this most keenly, for nothing hurts more than judgment.
Judgment hurts deeply when those who judge you are wrong—yet it hurts even more deeply when they are right. This is when the judgment of others cuts to the quick, tearing at the fabric of the soul. You have only to experience this once to know that judgment is never a product of love.
In creating your illusory world, you have produced societies in which judgment is not only accepted but expected. You have even created an entire system of what you call "justice" around this idea that someone else can judge you to be "guilty" or "innocent."
I tell you this: No one is ever guilty, and everyone is forever innocent, in the eyes of God.  That is because My eyes see more than yours.


如何判定一個人是否具備了「必備資格 」?而那些沒有具備資格的人,又會怎樣?你們對於這些問題的探索,產生了「審判」的發明。你們推論道,必定有某個「最後的裁決者」。... 更多
人生是設計來提供完美的工具、完美的環境、完美的條件給你的靈魂,以實現和體驗、宣布與宣告、實踐並成為「你真正是誰」。(Life is designed to provide your soul with... 更多