等一下。這可不是件小事。你從你人生中所學到的東西,能帶給你不可思議的好處。 (What you learn from your life can bring you incredible benefit.)
科學家們了解這點,那就是爲什麽科學研究者會真實地喜歡玩味他們的「錯誤」 (relish their “mistakes”)。一個「沒搞成」的實驗實際上是一個導向搞成功的「好」實驗。
這在人生中的各行各業裡也都是如此(This is also true in every walk of life.)。每個行動與决定的獎賞是巨大的,當你將它們總加起來,並以這觀點去思考它們時,你會真正開始欣賞它們。

你也一樣,有一天你終究會明白,並沒有「錯誤」這樣的一種東西(there is no such thing as a mistake)。
它是個可以改變你一生的「觀點」。 (It is a “point of view” that can change your life.)
思考一下:「錯誤」只是「失敗」的另一個字,而失敗並不存在。它是先前(前一次的公開對話是《與神合一》) 我在談的那些誤解當中的一個。它是個幻覺(illusion)。
永遠記住這點:所有的錯誤都是進步。(All error is progress.)
摘自《與神對話 青春版》第8章

All children (and all people) actually are rewarded for every "mistake" they make. Their reward is what they learn from what has occurred.
Neale: Oh, great . Some "reward."
Wait a minute. This is no small thing. What you learn from your life can bring you incredible benefit.
Scientists understand this, which is why research scientists actually relish their "mistakes." An experiment "gone bad" is actually an experiment that leads to good.
This is also true in every walk of life. The rewards of every action and decision are enormous, and you begin to really appreciate them when you add them up, when you consider them in this light.
There is not a person on the Earth who has not concluded at some point that what they once considered a "huge mistake" turned out to be, actually, a big blessing.
You, too, will one day see that, ultimately, there is no such thing as a mistake.
Neale: Well, that's an interesting point of view.
It's a "point of view" that can change your life.
Consider this: "Mistake" is just another word for "failure," and failure does not exist. It is one of those misunderstandings I was talking about earlier. It is an illusion.
It is impossible to fail at anything, and saying that something was a "mistake" is just announcing a point of view.
If you see a "mistake" as a step along the path by which you get to where you wish to go, then you will not see it as a "mistake" at all. You will see it as progress.
It will, therefore, be perfect, and you will be grateful for it. You might even choose to celebrate it!
In the best of companies, owners and man-agers celebrate the "mistakes" of their employees, sometimes even throwing a party, or giving the employee a bonus.
Now we know what we don't want to do, and how we don't want to do it," they say. "This is a huge step toward guaranteeing our success!"
Firms with such a policy produce employees who innovate, who stretch, who are not afraid to make decisions and to take risks, and that is how the greatest gains are made—which, of course, good management understands perfectly. Good management also understands that all error is progress.
Good parents understand the same thing.
All error is progress.
Children who are rewarded—held, hugged, squeezed, kissed, and otherwise positively reinforced— when they make childhood "mistakes" will love to make "mistakes."
They will also grow into adults who love to live life.
They will not be afraid of their own shadow (nor of anyone else's). They will grow in confidence and in their ability to step out on the edge and confront the challenges of life, turning those challenges into opportunities to experience their own magnificence.