很多你們稱為的失敗,實際上是「仍在繼續的經驗」(successive experiences)。

很多你們稱為的失敗,實際上是「仍在繼續的經驗」(successive experiences譯註:successive是success的形容詞,success的意思是成功。)。而你們會把一個「仍在繼續的經驗」稱為失敗嗎?
By using the Illusion of Failure to notice what you have learned (remembered) about life, and to motivate you to apply the wisdom that you have acquired, the Illusion becomes a tool with which to notice that you are always succeeding.
Put simply, the way to step outside of the Illusion of Failure is to simply see everything as a part of your success. All things lead to your success, produce your success, are part of the process by which you experience your success.
Many people understand this intuitively. Scientists are among them. When they embark on an important experiment, they not only anticipate failure, they relish it. The pure scientist understands completely that a "failed" experiment has not "failed" at all but merely pointed the way to success.
Something working out "the way you wanted it to" is not the definition of success, and something "not working out the way you wanted it to" is not the definition of failure. Indeed, if you live a long life there will be times when you will claim the opposite to be true.
What you call many failures are actually successive experiences.