
瀏覽人數 361
現在你們可以既擁有蛋糕,又可以吃它了。現在你們可以既有死亡,又有永生、有獎賞也有懲罰了。藉由將兩者都放在死亡之後,你們有辦法將死亡弄成不是懲罰,卻只是種「不足」的終極顯現(the ultimate manifestation of Insufficiency)——這是第四個幻覺最令人印象深刻的證據。
Since the existence of death precluded the possibility of a life that goes on forever, you decided that life must go on forever after physical death.
But if life went on forever after physical death, then what was the point of death?
It had no point. And so, there had to be created in your after-death experience . . . another outcome.
This you called Condemnation.
It fit perfectly, when you thought about it. It fell right into line with The Second Illusion—the outcome of life is in doubt; Failure Exists!
Now you could have your cake and eat it too. Now you could have death and Everlasting  Life, punishment and reward. By placing both after death, you were able to make death itself not the punishment but simply the ultimate manifestation of Insufficiency—the most impressive evidence of The Fourth Illusion.
One Illusion now really began to support the other. The interweaving was perfect. Your work was complete, and this was the reality produced by your cultural story, and by your endless creation and passing on of myths that solidified it.
Myths support the Story, and the Story supports the Illusions. This is the superstructure of your entire cosmology. These are the underpinnings of all your understandings.
And they are—all of them—false.

